Friday, July 20, 2012

Pins Coming To Life!

Ever since I heard about Pinterest I have been hooked! I have spent hours pinning and pinning (my Husband would attest to this!)! I love making new boards and finding new must do's to add! Only one day I realized that my "must do's" were becoming "someday I will do that's!" I looked over my boards and there were so many pins that I hadn't even attempted to create!! How sad!!

So I took a good long look at ALL of my pins on ALL of my boards, memorizing the materials I would need to complete my "must do's!" After trips to DI and Garage Sales, I began to get quite the collection of items to use!

Then I went on a Spray Painting Vendetta! My Husband even jumped on the bandwagon! :) It started with Picture Frames then went to our Coffee Table then to his Desk! What a crazy fun adventure that is still unfolding! More and more pieces are being fashioned to decorate our home! I hope all of you will take part in our Journey of creating an Amazingly Wonderful life!

Here's a Sneek Peek at one of our Amazingly Wonderful Creations!

Our Coffee Table Before!

Our New Coffee Table!!

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